Write For Us

Welcome to Epic Mingle! We are thrilled to open our platform to writers who share a passion for Guide, Technology, Loan, Education, Home Decor, Legal and Other. Whether you’re a seasoned expert, a budding writer, or someone with unique insights, we invite you to contribute and enrich our community.

Your Opportunity to Shine

Writing for us is not just about sharing your thoughts; it’s about making an impact. Our platform offers you the chance to reach a wide and engaged audience, build your personal brand, and be part of a growing community of like-minded individuals.

What Sets Your Article Apart?

  • Authenticity: We seek articles that reflect your genuine experiences, knowledge, and passion.
  • Insightful Analysis: Offer our readers something they can’t find elsewhere – your unique perspective or expertise.
  • Engagement: Aim to spark conversations. Ask questions, offer solutions, and encourage reader interaction.

Content Themes

We are particularly interested in the following themes:

  • Guide:
    • guide + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + guide
    • guide blog + “contribute for us”
    • guide + “write for us guest post”
  • Technology:
    • technology + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + technology
    • tech blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Artificial Intelligence:
    • AI + “contribute for us”
    • “contribute for us” + artificial intelligence
  • Cybersecurity:
    • cybersecurity + “contribute for us”
    • “contribute for us” + security
  • Machine Learning:
    • machine learning + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + machine learning
    • machine learning blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Green Technology:
    • green technology + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + green technology
    • green technology blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Internet:
    • internet + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + internet
    • internet blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Science Fiction:
    • science fiction + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + science fiction
    • science fiction blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Loans:
    • loans + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + loans
    • loans blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Personal Loan:
    • personal loan + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + personal loan
    • personal loan blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Debt Consolidation Loan:
    • debt consolidation loan + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + debt consolidation loan
    • debt consolidation loan blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Mortgage Loan:
    • mortgage loan + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + mortgage loan
    • mortgage loan blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Auto Loan:
    • auto loan + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + auto loan
    • auto loan blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Student Loan:
    • student loan + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + student loan
    • student loan blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Business Loan:
    • business loan + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + business loan
    • business loan blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Education:
    • education + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + education
    • education blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Early Childhood Education:
    • early childhood education + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + early childhood education
    • early childhood education blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Special Education:
    • special education + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + special education
    • special education blogs + “contribute for us”
  • ELearning:
    • elearning + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + elearning
    • elearning blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Art Education:
    • art education + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + art education
    • art education blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Online Tutoring:
    • online tutoring + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + online tutoring
    • online tutoring blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Home Decor:
    • home decor + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + home decor
    • home decor blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Laws:
    • legal + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + law
  • Civil Law:
    • civil law + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + civil law
    • civil law blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Constitutional Law:
    • constitutional law + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + constitutional law
    • constitutional law blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Contract Law:
    • contract law + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + contract law
    • contract law blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Criminal Law:
    • criminal law + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + criminal law
    • criminal law blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Family Law:
    • family law + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + family law
    • family law blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Property Law:
    • property law + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + property law
    • property law blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Tax Law:
    • tax law + “contribute for us”
    • “write for us” + tax law
    • tax law blogs + “contribute for us”
  • Other:
    • Feel free to propose your own ideas that align with our site’s focus.

Writing Guidelines

  • Tone: Approachable and informative. We want to educate our readers while keeping them engaged.
  • Structure: Clear and coherent structure is key. Use short paragraphs, descriptive headers, and an inviting introduction.
  • SEO Best Practices: While not mandatory, familiarity with SEO and incorporating relevant keywords can help your article gain more visibility.
  • Word Count: Your article should be a minimum of 1000 – 2000 words. We provides more value to our readers.
  • Images and Links: We welcome the inclusion of a minimum of two high-quality images that complement your article. Also, feel free to add up to two do-follow links that lead to related articles within our website. Please note, any external links included in your submission will need our approval.
  • No Plagiarism: Originality is non-negotiable. Any plagiarized content will be rejected.

Submission Process

  • Pitch Your Idea: Before writing, feel free to send us a brief pitch of your article idea for approval.
  • Write Your Draft: Once approved, you can start writing your article following our guidelines.
  • Submit for Review: Send your draft via email. Our editorial team will review it and suggest any necessary edits.

What Happens After Submission?

After you submit your article, our editorial team will review it for potential publication. We strive to provide feedback or a decision as soon as possible. Due to the volume of submissions, we can only respond to articles we’re interested in pursuing.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to discuss your ideas? Contact us at epicmingle.official@gmail.com for more information.

We Can’t Wait to Read Your Work!

Your voice matters to us. We are excited to see your unique insights and share them with our readers. Thank you for considering writing for Epic Mingle!